28 April 2008

Memories Remain.

I have lived my entire life on the edge, of course with the seatbelts on. In such an impulsive and reckless search of myself, I left my home and came to a different city (Pune) to work and know myself.

I got a job in a BPO, and thus began my journey in April 2007.

In the last one year that I have worked here, I was about to find myself but these rotating shifts, crush over a lady colleague in the office taught me to be patient, rather, a Heart patient. Use your metaphorical sense, backed by knowledge gained from countless bollywood movies and voila!

Then came the biggest twist in my life; Boss there is always a twist, that even my allegedly strong self could not deal with. I came to terms with my past and present and realized my virtues and vices. I decided that these traits of mine should be etched in my heart and on my body forever. I got a tattoo of dragon and unicorn fighting - the dragon losing, done. Both animals symbolized opposite qualities that all humans possess except for one of our managers who is still a Neanderthal man. We hope that our good characteristics always overpower our bad ones to evolve us into better human beings. In this sense, my manager has a lot of work to do; not in the office though! Remember the adage ‘Cream riseth to the top,’ well, sometimes, scum does too.

Some advantages of working in an unknown city is, since you live alone, you get to meet new people, mate with new girls (read Ha ha, yeah right) but the icing on the cake is you make friends who just be there for you: in good and bad times. I met three such friends who guided me to a positive path in life upon which I shall tread for my remaining days.

I met Miss Moturam (name changed considering her eating habits, her weight gain stats and to protect her identity) some 6 months ago when she was playing cricket with stress buster ball, in the office. The most jovial person I ever met. She has all the qualities of an angry young Indian woman; angry, because she always stood up to our Neanderthal manager, when nobody else would. She is extremely innocent, pure at heart, beautiful and has a boyfriend! Her zest always made the workplace lively. Through her eyes, the world looked different, not because she applied kohl, but, she had a very caring and gentle approach in life. This sometimes hurt her. And now, I have, by saying some mean things about her. Her ‘Gyan’ on life, sometimes boring but significant nonetheless, will always remain close to my heart. I will always thank her for being there for me. Rather, like she would have said, ‘Shukriya.’ Keep Pune police always on toes. Dress to kill.

I met Misses Dhapan (in Marathi, Dhapan means spectacles. Again name changed considering her foresight, err, farsightedness and to protect her identity) in cab to office some 8 months ago. Thence began our journey of brotherhood. She is a tomboy whom I consider a bro rather than a sis. Despite being a tomboy, she is immensely emotional and a tender human being. She would cry me a river, but in installments (small outbursts every few days). She took my care as not just a sis or mom would, but like a granny would. She behaved like one sometimes as well. She is married and has the cutest baby girl one has ever seen. She still looks like a 20 year old though. Sincerely, Now that I have left the job, she is the one person I miss the most including her crazy antics whilst driving. Hope to see you smiling, always.

I met the Nawab of Anand Nagar (again name changed considering his attitude and to protect my neck) countless times in the recreation room of our office. Only one line to describe him, ‘Master of All, jack of none.’ The brotherhood increased manifold further to countless beer binges that we invoked, resulting sometimes in laugh riots or in debates. Often, his arguments proving stronger; the guy is an epitome of genuine friendship. He is a prudent advisor with a sense of humor to reckon with, of course, not as cool as mine though. His love for life and people preceded his own self and that sometimes made him vulnerable. He thus never removed that mask of attitude he wore. Live life King Size Bro, the way you always have.

These three people’s teachings and preaching have made me wiser, an understanding human being. The basic dual nature of life: Live and Love unfolded before me and new dimensions of hope and faith are now engraved in my Heart. Memories of times spent together, moments cherished; will remain with me, forever. The ending like always was tearfull but joyous nonetheless.

Not(e) by the Author:
This is a work of fiction by someone weighing 80 Kgs of pure fats and having myopic vision. Any resemblance to people alive or incidents is either purely co-incidental, or probably, stemmed from my various split personalities. Any resemblance to people dead is to be pardoned. I see Dead people too (My place in pune was totally haunted).


  1. Amazing Blog Varun!!!!!
    Beautifully written.....

    Keep it up.....

    Add a few new one!!!!!

  2. the first girl you described, sort of resembled me...except the weight :)


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