15 November 2011

Aye Zindagi!

A middle aged Indian woman’s daily diary entry as I see it from a third perspective.

Woke up in the wee hours; tried waking up the children. They throw some tantrums. Went in the kitchen and kept a kettle to make tea. Came back to wake up the children. They throw in some more fits. Sprinkled some water on their faces. They wake up. Goes back to kitchen and puts milk for boiling. The tea is made. Goes back and wakes up the Husband. He throws some tantrums! Tells him the tea is ready. 

Goes back to children’s room, gives them their favorite tooth paste and tom & jerry tooth brushes. Children crib about going to school. Comforts them with how school will help them in becoming big men/women in future. Both of the children want to use the toilet at the same time. A fight erupts. Husband comes to rescue. She goes back to kitchen to prepare lunch boxes and breakfast.

Wife comes back to bathe and dress up children. Husband goes to get ready for office. Children are having breakfast and school bags are being readied for the day. She checks their daily school calendar. TWO SPORTS PERIODS! Her bundles of joy will return looking like mud balls, she thinks. She smiles. Rickshaw to school comes outside. Children hurriedly finish their milk and run out with their bags. She runs after them with the forgotten lunch-boxes. Kisses them and good – byes are said. 

Wife rushes back inside the house. Husband is in a romantic mood. He is always in a romantic mood during early mornings. Husband is almost ready sans his handkerchief and socks. But of course, he can’t find his wallet or his watch either. Wife helps. He is all set. Now she rushes to get ready. Only that she has not had her coffee yet. She makes a cuppa first. Haves it hastily. She has forgotten the last time she savored the aroma while enjoying a cup now, except Sundays.

The clock brings her back to reality. She hurriedly goes to gets ready. Husband has almost finished his breakfast. She is ready. She quickly chows down a piece of bread and feeds on to another as she looks for house keys and other such important stuff to shove in to her already inflated purse. She notices Husband, as always, has forgotten to carry both their lunch boxes outside. She ponders when was the last time he actually did not forget to? She brushes off the thought. Picks up the lunch boxes and goes out. Door is locked.

Husband’s waiting in the car. He drops her off at the recruitment firm where she works. It’s the only place where she can work part time in office and part at home. The pay sucks. But it’s close to home. Flexible hours too. She isn’t complaining. Husband goes off to work. He will keep the car at the station and board a local train. Same story of millions of people who live in suburbs like them. 

She looks at the watch. It’s almost time she went back home. She catches a rickshaw back home. Almost mechanically starts preparation for the lunch. Kids will be hungry when they come back. Kids will wreck havoc; will throw everything in all directions once home. It’s almost like they use a compass to ensure each paired item goes in opposite direction. Shoes, socks, ties, bags, lunchboxes and what not. And the kids come home. They wreck havoc. They, indeed, look like Mud Balls. 

She quarantines them. Again, bathes them. They tell her everything that happened today to the minutest detail during this ordeal. Hungry children eat and sleep off. Evening would be tuitions, home work, music classes, U.C.Mas, play ground time, some cartoons and nighty night.

The maid will be here soon. She can’t use washing machine if it were a Nokia Mobile phone. Plus the kids’ clothes require special treatment. Husband's clothes too. Mumbai climate works wonders. Sweat mixes with dirt, pollutants, food crumbs and Cotton.Bleaches, whiteners and what not will be used, maid comes and does the dishes first. Puts the clothes in the washing machine and goes off to clean the house. Wife sets the machine to advanced mode to clean the stains. But first, she bleach treats them. Its the only way clothes retain some of their color. However, they get damaged early. 

Her late afternoons will be spent working for home for office and evenings in ferrying kids to various classes etc and bringing them back. Husband will come late in the evening and time for dinner preparation. She will get time for 1 or 2 of her favorite serials and off to bed. Next Day, the same routine…

Looking at the above post, I feel that the woman portrayed as goddess was, indeed, a metaphor. The 8 hands are/would actually be utilized to be the powerhouse of energy throughout the day juggling work, kids, food, chores, tackling maids & rickshaw wallahs, husband (read love / romance) and what not. 
So if she had extra two hours, what would she do? I don’t know, really. Who can read a woman’s mind ? Maybe she would just like to sleep besides her bundles of joys. Feel their presence like they were in her womb for 9 months. Maybe just notice how fast they are growing up. Maybe she would think about their future. She may have already started saving for their colleges and education. What would they be? What would be their vocation? Who would they marry? Would it be love marraige? Oh, hell no!  Maybe she'd catch up on that novel she could never finish. Maybe go through the old photographs and the good times had. Maybe call her long lost friends, try to track them down. Facebook really doesn't help. Or maybe just sit back and enjoy the 2 hours with her beautician. Pamper herself. Her own personal "Spa time."

But, I know what every man, woman and a grown up should do if they had two extra hours. Because, that’s what I would do.

Support “STOP CHILD LABOUR” movement in whatever way we can. Our two hours a day to help the maid’s children, our vegetable vendor’s children, the newspaper boys, in whatever small way we can – books, note-books, part of fees, tuitions, funding organizations who work for underprivileged children’s education, health and opportunities. We must help. We can make it a family affair too. Let our privileged kids see the glimpse of what it means to be orphans. What it means to be forced to work when they should be in school learning and exploring life. 

Stains are Good when kids have the free will to enjoy and experience life in the outside environment and get dirty in the process. Daag Acche Hain, indeed.

But stains are definitely not good what a child below 14 endures at a construction site, or, as a hotel waiter, as a carver at zari manufacturing unit 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Daag Aise bhi na ho ki woh kalank bane! Lets us strive to become their SURF EXCEL MATIC.

This Blog post is an entry in to Surf Excel Matic contest on Indiblogger!


  1. Great pennings.concept of goddess Durga, with 8 hands, rocks.
    Best wishes

  2. Thank you pramod ji, was going to photoshop a pic as well. But I guess that would have hurt people's sentiments.

  3. SuperLike...great concept, great writing..

  4. Thanks Shweta. I am glad you liked the post. I wanted to potray the extreme emotions that two classes of children have in our globalized world and WE CAN help them in our little ways with spared 2 hours. Hope it makes a difference. :)

  5. That ended so differently! It was so unexpected. Yes, it would be the most wonderful thing to be able to make a difference to these kids or any such group that is crying for attention. Worthy thought, wonderful post. All the best.

  6. Thanks for the comment Zephyr. I wanted it to be two extreme emotions. Does it not help us cling to our times more tightly? Appreciate the "EXTRA" that we get a little more. Work for something better?

  7. Well written, i like your concept.
    All the best!

  8. Loved your rantings!
    Keep ranting and keep us entertained.

  9. Nice Post. I'm a bit of a grammar addict so spotted some faults but I guess that's what makes it easier to connect with. All the best for the contest. Thanks for reading http://soinyourfaceitsrude.wordpress.com

  10. Thanks Techknowdoc. I understand. It was hindering the flow of events actually, hence had to leave aside grammar.

  11. Well written, love your connection that you have made there. A true spirit of humanity.

  12. You r giving comments in an excellant way.i love reading ur comments.

    with whom u r angry and what made u to select this blog title?may i know?

  13. @Indrani: Thanks a lot you liked the concept. I was skeptical how people would react to two extremes in the same post :)

    @Vikram Karve: Thanks a lot for your comment. I am glad you like my rantings. Will keep up the good work.

    @Gauri : Thanks and best of luck to you too.

    @Insane Saint: Thanks a lot for the comment. I have just tried to showcase the difference between the haves and have nots; the connect and the disconnect actually in the same post.

    @yashika: Thanks yashika. I also hope that you have liked my blog post and not just the comments. I am not angry with anybody. However, if you see my previous posts. Most of them are satirical and sarcastic. The title, thus, does justice to my blog :)

  14. very interesting write-up :)

  15. Great post. You have keenly observed and portrayed the lifestyle and the routine of a typical Indian mother. Best of Luck.

  16. @Angel: Thanks a lot for your warm comment. I hope you enjoyed reading the post.

    @Swapna: Isn't it the story in every household pan India? Just penned it accordingly. I hope you liked the post. :)

  17. brilliant post varun. loved it. i am now OFFICIALLY following your blog. amazing writing. :)

  18. Thanks a ton for the warm comment kartik. I am glad you enjoyed the post. :)

  19. So I saw your comment on my blogpost for the very same competition, which led me here. I must say, I love this post :)
    Hope you do really well in the competition (I'd say I hope you win, but that'd hurt my chances of winning :P kidding) :)
    lovely post :)

  20. Something very different- loved comparing a woman to the goddess. Maybe that is why they paints her like that.

    Best wishes,

  21. Nice... I like it... Very well written... :)

  22. @The Story Teller : Thanks for the warm compliment. I hope we both win. Best of Luck to you too.

    @Umsy: Thanks for the comment. Ofcourse. Thats the reason we call our native languages as mother tongue, right ?

    @NNNIIIXXX thanks for the comment dude. Am glad you liked the post.

  23. Lovely! :) Indeed women are d 8 handed goddesses in reality.. Keep blogging.

  24. Thanks pallavi for your comment. :) I hope you enjoyed reading it.

  25. Good one sympathising and appreciating the woman's point of view. Good luck in the contest.

  26. Thanks Raji. Its more about the mother children relation and those children who are kept away from their mothers owing to their economic statuses. This entire concept, I have tried to view from the "Daag Acche hain" point of view. :) Hope you enjoyed reading it.

  27. You understood women very well....and gr8 thoughts in your post..All the best :)

  28. Thanks for your warm comment valli :) Understanding women? Very difficult for me. :)

  29. Ur post incorporated a lot of things. First women(the creatures who r in the most dire need of these two extra hours) and then child labour.A very noble cause that is sure to make not just theirs but even our future brighter and stronger :)

    good luck for the contest!


  30. u handled a lot of stuff in one blog....:-) nice work...best of luck...

  31. We do not get any maids here nor do we get Surf yet the story remains the same...so the question of what we will do with the extra two hours puts us in a dilemma as many things to do but no clue where to start.. the 2 hours just pass by...the end was the best part of the post.. truly we can make a difference in someone's life by lending a helping hand. Best wishes on the contest, cross your fingers to win. you need additional fingers seek your durga's(Wifey's)help..
    Love Ash.

  32. very nice post indeed with a cause too!!
    all d best :)

  33. I loved how you ended the post... that does not mean I did not love the beginning. Good post and as a middle aged woman, I thank you for writing this.

  34. @subtlescribbler: Thanks a lot for the warm comment. The idea was to show two stark differences and to decrease the gap in between with "2 hours extra" period. Hope you liked it :)

    @Rahul, Thanks a ton buddy :)

    @Ashwini: Thats the beauty of this specific contest. Everyone has different ways to tackle time and everyone goes by a different focus about it in their own perspective. I surely know you would conjure up some killer cakes :). I wanted to keep the end an eye opener. I hope it helps us evolve as better human being not being indifferent to society; a typical indian "mind frame"!

    @Meghrana : Thanks a lot for you warm comment.

    @Farida ji,Thanks a lot for your comment. I am infact honored to have a blogger like you comment on my blog post and get positive response. To be honest, I worked on the entire post for about 7/10 days. But ending came in with a flash and the inspiration is this song.
    Children of Bharti

  35. Kudos....A very well written and respectable post.

    I wish you all the best for the contest.

  36. A strong post with a very powerful definition/explanation of the topic. Thanks for sharing!

  37. @Thebluntblogger: Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

    @Indiandress: Thanks for your warm comment.

  38. Vishal Khanavkar16/11/2011, 11:52

    An unexpected and touching end....very well written. 'But stains are definitely not good when a child below 14 endures at a construction site, or, as a hotel waiter, as a carver at zari manufacturing unit 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.....' touched me. Gr8 job, bro!!!!

  39. Well written buddy. The comparison with goddess Durga as a metaphor is beautiful. All the best for the competition!

  40. Quite engaging read. Liked your stop child labour shout. I heartily follow it.

  41. @Vishal : Thanks a ton for the comment bro. I wanted to give the read a high and then a low to put across the point incisively. I hope it has worked :)

    @Tonmoy: Thanks a lot for your comment buddy. I had been thinking about that metaphor since a week or so I guess :)

    @Shalini: Thanks for the comment. Its the least we can do to secure Mother India's future :)

  42. Great post, especially the second half. Loved the concept Daag acchein hain only if the daag was out of fun and not coz of the child struggling to survive.

  43. @Anisha : Thanks a ton for your warm comment. I am glad you liked the concept :)

  44. Very creative with a strong social message - it is nice to see the contest opening up new thoughts with newer vision!

  45. @Rajesh: Thanks a lot for the comment. Sad, but true, eh? :)

    @Specs buffy: Thanks a lot for your comment madam. Loved your reading your blog :)

  46. A totally different thought..Good going pal

  47. @zradar : Thanks a ton for your warm comment. I hope you enjoyed reading it :)

  48. I really enjoyed reading your post. Very well done!

  49. @Bindu: Thanks a ton for the comment and enjoying the post :)

  50. A very different touching read..

  51. @Alka : thanks a ton for the comment. Loved your post on politics and esp the slogans. Awesome.

  52. I loved your narration of a woman's life from the third perspective...you have done full justice to concept,story,narration and climax was unbeliveably superb with such a nice message!!!U rock this contest!

  53. Very nice post, I liked the way you hv described women and her daily chores..and her comparision to Durga ma... Kool concept too!!
    BTW Thanks for liking my post too

  54. you brought in so many angles and perspectives to the post - that was wonderful & the underlying message very touching.
    all the view points - the woman's, the child's- everything blended seamlessly and the brand recall would be there too

    all the best for the contest

  55. @Lipsy: Many thanks for your warm comment. I am glad you liked the post. The idea to oscillate the narration between two extremes has worked I guess :)

    @Deepsi: Thanks for the comment. Wait till I now narrate the "ugra (angry) swaroop (nature)" of Durga Ma :P :). Just kidding.

    @Sujatha: I am glad you liked the concept. Frankly as a "Daag Acche Hain" and "Two extra hours" concept, couldn't think of a better idea than to involve Mom and kids actually :).

  56. Nicely penned with exceptional thoughts.Good luck Buddy!

  57. @Janak Thanks a ton for the comment buddy :) I am glad you liked the post :)

  58. Hey Varun,

    Its really nice...thanks fr the presence on my blog...wish u all d very best!!

    Hope u r there in our bloggers gp at FB...if not then plz lemme knw...it will b great to hv a good writer like u in the forum!!


  59. @Kanu: Thanks for the comment.

    @Mani: Thanks for the comment. Could you share the link of FB page. I don't think I am part of that.

  60. Gosh it took me ages to get to the "Post a comment" box, I'm so late! Wish I had moved on to surf, then could give more time to blogging.
    Anyways back to your ranting, I was so surprised to find a male author behind this post. Loved the extremes and the meaningfulness in all of it too.
    Beautifully captivating.
    All the best.

  61. wow ! you've put really thoughtful perspectives ... great read ...

  62. @Pooja, thanks a lot for your comment. Imagine my dilemma regards replying then :P just kidding. I am glad you liked the post and its not at all surprising since I lived my childhood practically the same way as above :) And being part of Rotary foundation, I understand the troubles of child labour actually.

    @ Ashish Thanks a lot for the comment. I sadly have only words to put things in perspective. But, you on the other hand say it all with just a cartoon strip and profoundly too. Love your cartoons :)

  63. I'd utilize the extra two hours in knocking some sense into the husband - he comes across as selfish. And the kids are spoilt brats,they could do with some disciplining!

  64. Rant away my friend! nice post... m impressed! All the best for the contest :)

  65. @Purba: Thanks for the comment. Disciplining Husband and Kids is good idea to spend two hours, apart from the 24 hours, i.e. :)

    @Anukriti: Thanks for the comment and best of luck to you too :)

  66. Well said...I saw many bits of my life here! Love the way you would spend the extra hours. Always good to give back to society in out own little way... good luck to you!

  67. @Deeba : Thanks a lot for your comment. My sis, mom - all told me they could see traces of themselves in here. And I am glad for that.

    @angel: Thanks a lot. The post is, indeed, based on observation.

  68. Hi...That was a different take.Nice script.Please have a look at mine and see if you like - http://www.indiblogger.in/indipost.php?post=93113

  69. very impressive post....good luck for the contest!!!!

  70. @Zradar : thanks for the comment. Your post is rocking :) Best of Luck.

    @The Madrasi: thanks a lot for the comment. I hope you enjoyed reading it. :)

  71. The routine of a middle class woman is described perfectly. Nowhere it gets boring. Well done!!!

  72. Thanks a lot of the comment Ashwini. Hope you enjoyed reading it :)

  73. Great thoughts......wonderful All the best for the contest.

  74. Great thoughts.....wonderful

  75. a great thought provoking insight into a mundane and repeatative lifestyle of us middleclass families.....also two messages in one.....

  76. @Seema Thanks a ton for the comment. Best of luck to you to.

    @Aky: Thanks for the comment bro :)

  77. That's how the life of a woman goes in most of the family. I wish she should have eight hands so that she can take better care of herself. Beautiful post and I love the way you ended.. All the best..

    Someone is Special

  78. @someoneisspecial thanks a ton for the comment and stoppping by the post. You summarized the post very well:)

  79. superb! i really liked the way you went through this.. trying to understand a woman's mind... although don't mind if i say that i felt the conclusion was a bit unexpected and abstract... but yet.. in its entirety, its a really nice read. I like it! Hope you win a prize! :)

  80. First of all thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on it. Great blog bro. If someone asks what a typical middle aged Indian womens day is, we can surely refer yours....:). As I was reading, it felt as if it is really happening in front of the eyes....:). All the best Bro....Keep Blogging...:)

  81. @The Xeno: Thanks for the comment. Wanted to keep the conclusion abstract and supposedly hard hitting to show the disparaties in kids' life.

    @Prashanth: Thanks a ton for the comment bro. I am relieved as I didn't know if the post would be vivid enough :)

  82. wowwwww .. i know am reading it eons after you have posted it, but am i glad i did!!!>...

    i love the way you have painted her character, envisaged it beautifully with fluid narration, and with an amazing end :)

    This one rocks :)

  83. Menachery: Thanks a lot for your warm comment. :) I am glad you liked it.

  84. The idea is good. Your style is different. But I'm not sure I understood where you really brought the connection to child labour.
    The metaphor was apt.

  85. Well, in one way you are right D2. I should have let the lady flow in to her thoughts and come up with idea of child labour actually. That would have done justice to the cause very aptly. Thanks for liking my post.

  86. Wonderfully written - and so interesting

  87. Thanks a lot for your warm comment munchow. Your blog and photography is wonderful and very thought provoking :)

  88. Such a true portray of an indian women...

  89. not a regular reader, but always like your post...really great and thought provoking


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