12 March 2012

Your Vote Counts.

 You coronation in Encyclopaedia of Stupid awaits if you believe the title of this post. The great baboonery that Electronic Voting Machines are, too, believe that your precious little gift to democracy is vain. The dark spot on your finger that is alleged conclusive evidence of you engaging in this menial act too metaphorically symbolizes your actions that are nothing but, sadly, a dark spot alone and mean nothing to the power rangers that the forces controlling this nation be. 

You buoyantly loathe the actions of your elected representative and mock them sarcastically on #twitter and #Facebook and various other social media and misguidedly believe that, that is considered as your sole meaningful contribution to society. You do not believe your elected representative’s manifestos and their assurances. True that is and one should not believe either.On the contrary at the same time you do believe them when they say, “Please Vote, your vote matters”. 

Your vote matters as much as the oil in the deep recesses of the Indian Ocean where mankind can only think of reaching. At 40% of voting in a learned country like ours, poll booth seems to be much akin to the very same oil. 

It sincerely does not matter if you have voted or not and whether you should be entitled to an opinion upon the sorry state that our country is in or upon the people who run such a country. You are made to believe. Its like a matrix without the option of Red pill. Ha Ha. 

So why bother. Live life king size and run after one commodity that will ensure that you can punch someone in the face and get away with it. Snort coke and get away with it. Kill a buck and get away with it. Big Bucks. Money. Vitamin M. Yes. Find new ways to make money and your world will be a different story altogether. 

So, what are you waiting for, like my post as your VOTE MATTERS. 

*This is an attempt on picking up a different writing style*

I rant in spurts on twitter @rantingindian


  1. HI VG,
    I guess I like your older style of writing. Looking forward for more lengthy reads from you.
    Love Ash.

  2. Thanks for the comment Ash. This is just experimental stuff. Looking how it goes :)


Your comments are most welcome.

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